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 Tuesday 15 October      sunrise  08:04  sunset  18:47   Daylight: 10 hrs 42 mins  
PeriodConditionsTemperaturePrecipitationWindspeedDirectionUV indexCloudsPressure
06 - 07 FairFair 5.4° - 3.5 m/s   Light breeze 96.1 E - 30 % 1020.6 hPa
07 - 08 Partly cloudyPartly cloudy 5.3° - 3.6 m/s   Light breeze 96.9 E - 100 % 1020.8 hPa
08 - 09 Partly cloudyPartly cloudy 5.4° - 3.9 m/s   Gentle breeze 90.2 E - 100 % 1020.7 hPa
09 - 10 Partly cloudyPartly cloudy 6.1° - 4.5 m/s   Gentle breeze 97.6 E - 100 % 1020.9 hPa
10 - 11 Partly cloudyPartly cloudy 7.7° - 5.3 m/s   Gentle breeze 97.4 E - 100 % 1021 hPa
11 - 12 Partly cloudyPartly cloudy 9.3° - 4.9 m/s   Gentle breeze 101 E
100 % 1020.6 hPa
12 - 13 Partly cloudyPartly cloudy 10.6° - 4.6 m/s   Gentle breeze 105.7 ESE
100 % 1020.2 hPa
13 - 14 Partly cloudyPartly cloudy 12.1° - 4.7 m/s   Gentle breeze 107.7 ESE
100 % 1019.8 hPa
14 - 15 Partly cloudyPartly cloudy 13.2° - 4.7 m/s   Gentle breeze 110.3 ESE
100 % 1019.2 hPa
15 - 16 Partly cloudyPartly cloudy 13.9° - 4.7 m/s   Gentle breeze 108.4 ESE
99 % 1018.5 hPa
16 - 17 CloudyCloudy 14.3° - 5.4 m/s   Gentle breeze 125.6 SE
98 % 1018 hPa
17 - 18 CloudyCloudy 14.3° - 5 m/s   Gentle breeze 118.8 ESE - 100 % 1017.4 hPa
18 - 19 CloudyCloudy 13.5° - 4.4 m/s   Gentle breeze 101.3 E - 99 % 1017 hPa
19 - 20 Partly cloudyPartly cloudy 12.2° - 4.5 m/s   Gentle breeze 95.1 E - 100 % 1016.8 hPa
20 - 21 Partly cloudyPartly cloudy 11.9° - 5.4 m/s   Gentle breeze 94.6 E - 100 % 1016.5 hPa
21 - 22 Partly cloudyPartly cloudy 11.8° - 5.7 m/s   Moderate breeze 99.1 E - 100 % 1015.8 hPa
22 - 23 CloudyCloudy 11.5° - 5.3 m/s   Gentle breeze 107.7 ESE - 100 % 1015.7 hPa
23 - 00 CloudyCloudy 11.6° - 5.7 m/s   Moderate breeze 111.1 ESE - 100 % 1015.4 hPa
 Wednesday 16 October      sunrise  08:05  sunset  18:44   Daylight: 10 hrs 39 mins  
PeriodConditionsTemperaturePrecipitationWindspeedDirectionUV indexCloudsPressure
00 - 01 Partly cloudyPartly cloudy 11.4° - 5.8 m/s   Moderate breeze 113.1 ESE - 100 % 1014.8 hPa
01 - 02 Partly cloudyPartly cloudy 11.2° - 5.8 m/s   Moderate breeze 115.2 ESE - 100 % 1014.3 hPa
02 - 03 Partly cloudyPartly cloudy 11.3° - 5.9 m/s   Moderate breeze 117.8 ESE - 100 % 1013.7 hPa
03 - 04 CloudyCloudy 11.4° - 5.9 m/s   Moderate breeze 118.8 ESE - 100 % 1013.1 hPa
04 - 05 CloudyCloudy 11.5° - 5.8 m/s   Moderate breeze 122.1 ESE - 100 % 1012.5 hPa
05 - 06 CloudyCloudy 11.8° - 6 m/s   Moderate breeze 120.5 ESE - 100 % 1011.7 hPa
06 - 07 CloudyCloudy 12° - 6.1 m/s   Moderate breeze 114.1 ESE - 99 % 1010.8 hPa
07 - 08 Partly cloudyPartly cloudy 12.2° - 5.4 m/s   Gentle breeze 121.2 ESE - 48 % 1010.7 hPa
08 - 09 Partly cloudyPartly cloudy 12° - 5.6 m/s   Gentle breeze 120.3 ESE - 91 % 1010.7 hPa
09 - 10 Partly cloudyPartly cloudy 12.4° - 6.1 m/s   Moderate breeze 126 SE - 66 % 1010.5 hPa
10 - 11 Partly cloudyPartly cloudy 13.7° - 5.3 m/s   Gentle breeze 125.4 SE - 97 % 1010.3 hPa
11 - 12 Partly cloudyPartly cloudy 15.1° - 5.3 m/s   Gentle breeze 124.2 SE
100 % 1009.9 hPa
12 - 13 Partly cloudyPartly cloudy 16.9° - 5.4 m/s   Gentle breeze 130.8 SE
94 % 1009.7 hPa
13 - 14 Partly cloudyPartly cloudy 18.6° - 5.2 m/s   Gentle breeze 133.9 SE
61 % 1009.3 hPa
14 - 15 FairFair 20.1° - 4.8 m/s   Gentle breeze 136.9 SE
36 % 1008.6 hPa
15 - 16 CloudyCloudy 21.6° - 4.7 m/s   Gentle breeze 139.4 SE
95 % 1008 hPa
16 - 17 Partly cloudyPartly cloudy 22° - 6.3 m/s   Moderate breeze 153.1 SSE
100 % 1007.8 hPa
17 - 18 Clear skyClear sky 21.4° - 5.9 m/s   Moderate breeze 160.5 SSE - 10 % 1007.7 hPa
18 - 19 Partly cloudyPartly cloudy 20.5° - 5.5 m/s   Gentle breeze 153 SSE - 59 % 1007.7 hPa
19 - 20 CloudyCloudy 19.5° - 5.7 m/s   Moderate breeze 140.7 SE - 97 % 1007.9 hPa
20 - 21 CloudyCloudy 18.6° - 5.8 m/s   Moderate breeze 135.6 SE - 100 % 1007.9 hPa
21 - 22 CloudyCloudy 18.5° - 5.6 m/s   Gentle breeze 143.4 SE - 100 % 1007.9 hPa
22 - 23 CloudyCloudy 17.4° - 5.3 m/s   Gentle breeze 139.2 SE - 95 % 1007.9 hPa
23 - 00 FairFair 16.8° - 5.4 m/s   Gentle breeze 140.6 SE - 21 % 1008.2 hPa
 Thursday 17 October      sunrise  08:07  sunset  18:42   Daylight: 10 hrs 35 mins  
PeriodConditionsTemperaturePrecipitationWindspeedDirectionUV indexCloudsPressure
00 - 01 Partly cloudyPartly cloudy 16.2° - 5.1 m/s   Gentle breeze 143.1 SE - 46 % 1008.1 hPa
01 - 02 CloudyCloudy 15.6° - 5.1 m/s   Gentle breeze 143.7 SE - 99 % 1008 hPa
02 - 03 CloudyCloudy 15.4° - 5 m/s   Gentle breeze 148.2 SSE - 99 % 1007.8 hPa
03 - 04 CloudyCloudy 15.4° - 5 m/s   Gentle breeze 152.6 SSE - 90 % 1007.7 hPa
04 - 05 CloudyCloudy 15.7° - 5 m/s   Gentle breeze 157.9 SSE - 98 % 1007.4 hPa
05 - 06 CloudyCloudy 16.2° - 5.1 m/s   Gentle breeze 150.8 SSE - 100 % 1007.1 hPa
06 - 07 Light rainLight rain 16.1° 0.2 mm 5 m/s   Gentle breeze 156 SSE - 100 % 1006.9 hPa
07 - 08 Heavy rainHeavy rain 15.4° 1.1 mm 4.9 m/s   Gentle breeze 161.2 SSE - 100 % 1007 hPa
08 - 09 RainRain 15.6° 0.6 mm 5 m/s   Gentle breeze 165.5 SSE - 100 % 1007.2 hPa
09 - 10 CloudyCloudy 16° - 4.8 m/s   Gentle breeze 177.9 S - 100 % 1007.8 hPa
10 - 11 CloudyCloudy 16.7° - 4.7 m/s   Gentle breeze 189.2 S - 100 % 1008.4 hPa
11 - 12 CloudyCloudy 17.1° - 4.2 m/s   Gentle breeze 196.7 SSW
100 % 1009 hPa
12 - 13 Light rainLight rain 17.9° 0.2 mm 4 m/s   Gentle breeze 212.1 SSW
100 % 1009.5 hPa
13 - 14 Light rainLight rain 18.3° 0.2 mm 4 m/s   Gentle breeze 220.7 SW
100 % 1009.8 hPa
14 - 15 Light rainLight rain 18.8° 0.2 mm 4.3 m/s   Gentle breeze 231.3 SW
100 % 1009.9 hPa
15 - 16 Light rainLight rain 19° 0.2 mm 4.1 m/s   Gentle breeze 242.7 WSW
100 % 1010 hPa
16 - 17 CloudyCloudy 18.9° - 3.1 m/s   Light breeze 248.9 WSW - 100 % 1010.6 hPa
17 - 18 CloudyCloudy 18.5° - 2.1 m/s   Light breeze 261 W - 100 % 1010.9 hPa
18 - 19 CloudyCloudy 17.3° - 1.4 m/s   Light air 270 W - 100 % 1011.2 hPa
19 - 20 CloudyCloudy 17.5° - 0.8 m/s   Light air 340 NNW - 100 % 1011.6 hPa
Weather forecast data courtesy of the Norwegian Meteorological Institute and the NRK